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£266 million Next Steps funding programme open for bids

Blog posted by: Jennie Corbett, Monday, 20 July 2020.

Last Saturday, 18 July 2020, Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary Robert Jenrick launched the Next Steps Accommodation Programme, a £266 million fund to enable local areas to continue to provide somewhere safe to stay for 15,000 people currently experiencing homelessness.

The launch has been keenly anticipated since the announcements on 24 May and 24 June of the Government’s intention to fund interim accommodation as well as 3,300 new supported homes in the next year.

The fund is open for applications from local authorities, with support from local partners, to cover property costs and support new tenancies for people who were given emergency accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As per previous announcements, the £266 million fund is divided into two strands. A total of £105 million is available to rapidly provide interim accommodation and support and can be used to help people move into the private rented sector, extend or secure alternative interim accommodation or where possible help people to reconnect with friends or family.  This strand of funding is for use during 2020/21 only.

The remaining £161 million represents the first wave of the move-on accommodation funding, and aims to provide 3,300 additional supported homes this year for those currently housed in emergency accommodation. This consists of £130m capital and £31m revenue funding. This is the first part of a total of £433 million committed to provide 6,000 long term homes with support over the next four years.

Homeless Link will continue to work alongside MHCLG and we will be supporting all of our members with their role in bringing everyone in for good.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 20 August at 11:59pm.

Guidance on how to bid for funding can be accessed here.


Channel website: http://www.homelesslink.org.uk

Original article link: https://www.homeless.org.uk/connect/blogs/2020/jul/20/%C2%A3266-million-next-steps-funding-programme-open-for-bids

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