Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
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APCC response to latest crime statistics

APCC Performance lead, Matthew Scott PCC responded to today’s Office of National Statistics report for year ending June 2019 

“Whilst the figures show no change in overall levels of crime, the public will clearly be concerned by the rise in knife crime and the reduction in the number of crimes resulting in a charge or summons.

“Police and Crime Commissioners are investing in early intervention and prevention services locally which is helping to address the root causes of crime and helping to support children and young people to move away from the risk factors that can lead to crime or victimisation.

“PCCs are all committed to working with our policing partners to reduce crime, tackle violence and deliver better outcomes for victims in our communities. This is a long-term challenge requiring sustained investment and we are working to ensure the successful implementation of 20,000 police officer uplift.”

ONS Report:  Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2019

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