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CBI interest rate response June 2024

Alpesh Paleja, Interim Deputy Chief Economist recently (20 June 2024) responded to the CBI interest rate June 2024.

Alpesh Paleja, Interim Deputy Chief Economist recently said:

“It’s unsurprising that the Monetary Policy Committee kept interest rates on hold this month. Recent data has been a bit of a mixed bag: while inflation is falling and the labour market is loosening, wage growth remains stubbornly strong and services inflation is higher than the Bank’s forecast. Signs of continued persistence in domestic price pressures will have prompted caution among the Committee.

“We still expect the MPC to cut rates in August, but this is not a done deal – they remain very data-driven, so the evolution of key indicators over the coming month will be key. Furthermore, the pace of any rate cuts beyond August is likely to be gradual, if the Bank remained concerned about the persistence of underlying price pressures.”


Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-interest-rate-response-june-2024/

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