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CBI responds to the King's Speech - July 2024

CBI yesterday responded to the King's Speech – July 2024.

Rain Newton-Smith, CBI Chief Executive, yesterday said:

“The King’s Speech sets out a programme of big choices and bold moves needed to deliver a shift in gear for the economy.

“Reforming planning systems, speeding up approvals for major infrastructure projects, harnessing the potential of data and promoting a more joined-up approach between local and national government can give businesses the confidence they need to unlock investment.

“With firms continuing to highlight access to labour and skills as a barrier to growth, addressing long-term inactivity and expanding the Apprenticeship Levy to offer a wider range of skills training can provide vital momentum to the economy.

“But the key to turning the government’s legislative agenda into a roadmap for sustainable growth will be a partnership of collaboration with industry.

“While delivering secure, well-paid jobs is a shared objective for business and the government, space for meaningful consultation with industry on the details will be key to avoiding unintended consequences.

“With the economy beginning to pick up steam, what’s needed now is a relentless focus on delivery by deploying the capability and capacity of industry to turn these measures into swift and bold action.”

Original article link: https://www.cbi.org.uk/media-centre/articles/cbi-responds-to-the-kings-speech-july-2024/

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