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CCC: Adaptation Sub-Committee seeks new members

The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) of the Committee on Climate Change is seeking two new expert members.

The appointees will be responsible for helping to steer the work of the ASC, determining its strategic direction and providing impartial input into the Sub-Committee’s work.

Two positions are available focussing on:

  • Natural capital, land use and agriculture and forestry
  • Built/urban environment, cities, planning and public health

The Adaptation Sub-Committee is the leading independent body advising the UK Government and devolved administrations on preparing for climate change. It was created under the Climate Change Act (2008) and has further duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.

The ASC delivers independent and impartial scrutiny of the robustness of the UK’s approach to climate change adaptation. It also provides specific advice, analysis, information and other assistance as required by the UK and devolved governments.

The ASC currently has six members with expertise in the fields of of climate change impacts, science, environmental economics, conservation, public health and business. Chaired by the Baroness Brown of Cambridge, it is jointly sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Northern Ireland Executive, and the Scottish and Welsh Governments.

The new appointees will replace two long-serving members of the Committee whose terms of service come to an end in January 2018.

For further information about these roles, including full vacancy descriptions, candidate information packs and to find out how to apply, please visit the Cabinet Office website, Centre for Public Appointments.


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