Wednesday 17 Jun 2020 @ 15:20
Homeless Link
Homeless Link
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COVID-19 Homelessness Response Fund grants
The COVID-19 Homelessness Response Fund is providing £6 million of emergency funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) to 133 frontline homelessness charities whose finances have been directly affected by the Coronavirus.
Homeless Link is distributing the funding, with the decisions of an independent grants panel announced on 7 June 2020. The following information aims to clarify the procedures followed.
- The COVID-19 Homelessness Response Fund was heavily oversubscribed, receiving almost 300 applications, from member and non-members of Homeless Link across the country.
- An independent grants panel was brought together to assess the applications, with members including representatives from MHCLG and grants managers from other national funders.
- Each application was assessed according to the grants criteria and application guidance, and decisions were based on the application alone to allow a level playing field.
- The high number of applications meant that, unfortunately, the panel was unable to allocate grants to every organisation that applied. While many of the unsuccessful applicants were entirely deserving of support, the pot of funding was limited and difficult decisions had to be made – in these situations, the assessors followed the fund eligibility criteria and guidelines to guide decisions.
- Homeless Link is working to secure additional funding to re-open a second round of grants. This would allow organisations not funded in the first round to reapply, as well as giving others an opportunity to bid for funds. Organisations will be strongly advised to follow the available guidance as closely as they are able when submitting their application.
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