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COVID-19: MEPs to discuss way forward with Commissioners Breton and Gentiloni

The Internal Market Committee will debate the EU’s exit strategy and the impact of COVID-19 on customs-related initiatives with Commissioners Breton and Gentiloni, respectively.

The COVID-19 exit strategy, including gradually lifting lockdown measures and agreeing on the recovery fund, will be the focus of the debate with Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton, on Monday (today), from 14.00. MEPs are also likely to ask Mr Breton about the impact of the revised Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), due to be presented by the Commission on 27 May, on the Single Market Programme for 2021-2027.

In the debate with Economy Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni on Wednesday, from 17.00, MEPs are set to address, among other topics, how the pandemic will affect customs-related initiatives that were planned by the Commission and the foreseeable evolution of the negotiations on the two MFF customs proposals, on which Parliament already adopted its position.

The debates in the committee will be web-streamed here (Parliament’s Multimedia Centre).

Internal Market Committee MEPs already discussed the EU response to the COVID-19 outbreak with Commissioner Breton on 2 April, as well as with Commissioner Didier Reynders (Justice), on 14 April, and with Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager (Europe Fit for the Digital Age), on 4 May.


Isabel Teixeira NADKARNI

Press Officer

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