Crown Prosecution Service
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CPS statement following the sentencing of David Carrick

Peter Burt, Head of the Complex Casework Unit comments on the sentencing of David Carrick yesterday

Speaking after the sentencing of David Carrick today, Peter Burt, Head of the Complex Casework Unit, said: 

"Today is about recognising the outstanding bravery of the victims. It often takes courage for anyone to come forward and report a rape but in this case, to overcome the mental and physical oppression they endured, may have felt insurmountable at times. 

"We’ve heard the accounts of the women who suffered at Carrick’s hands. He took away their control, their right to choose, their freedom - in some cases both physically and mentally. 

"We cannot undo the pain and anguish of what they have endured, but I hope they can take this as a first step to rebuilding their lives knowing he can’t harm them - or any other woman. 

"We are so grateful to every woman who has come forward and supported this case. 

"With each report that came in we had a clearer picture of who Carrick was and what he had done. The similarities between the victim accounts, detailing mental and physical torment at the hands of the same man, were our case. 

"We would not be where we are today without you, the victims, taking that step forward and providing us with the vital evidence needed to prosecute Carrick. With your help, the Crown Prosecution Service worked with the investigation team at Hertfordshire Constabulary to build such a strong case that Carrick had no choice but to plead guilty.      
"We know there are victims of other rape and serious sexual offences out there and that many of you may be worried about being believed or whether you’ll ever see justice done. We understand these concerns and want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to improve how these offences are handled and are determined to see justice done for more victims of violence against women and girls.
"We hope seeing Carrick, a prolific abuser, manipulator and rapist, behind bars will encourage other women to come forward, knowing we will do all we can to hold the person responsible to account for their crime.”


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