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Call for #CounciloftheFuture guest blogs!

We want your guest blogs on what the future of local public services will look like in a digital age #CounciloftheFuture.

techUK will be holding it’s third annual ‘Council of the Future’ campaign’ week from 02 – 07 December, showcasing how tech can be used to drive better local public outcomes and create places where citizens want to live, thrive and work. It will highlight what the ‘art of the possible’ is and showcase the technologies that are disrupting the sector and helping to re-imagine service delivery. 

Throughout the week we will be looking at topics central in helping to create the environment and conditions for the vision of a ‘Council of the Future’ to flourish and succeed. 

Each day during the week there will be a different topic with blog posts, tweets (#CounciloftheFuture) and case studies centred on each of those themes. This could be a thought leadership blog post (max 600 words), a case study or a video that demonstrates your view on this issue. We’d like to invite you to contribute on one of the topics outlined below. If you wish to contribute to a different topic then happy to explore further with you. 

  • Future gazing: The technologies re-imaging local public service outcomes; and the future tech trends. 
  • Data-driven places: Data driven local public services and data-driven places. 
  • Culture and collaboration: Driving innovation through collaboration to growing the local gov tech market through partnership working. 
  • Smart places: Creating places where citizens want to live, work and feel safe 
  • Leading by example: Case studies of innovation; and championing new ways of working. 

If you would like to contribute, please email Ellie Huckle by Friday 01 November. The deadline for content to be submitted is Wednesday 27 November. When you submit the blog please can you also include the name, job title of the author as well as a blog title (max 60 characters) and any social media handles you would like us to use. You can learn more by reading our contributor guidelines here. 

During the week we will also be holding our end of year - Future Gazing: Where Next for Local Government Tech in 2020? - reflecting on the past year in local government transformation – what have been the technologies re-defining service delivery, they key trends and looking to 2020 on what the emerging technologies disrupting the sector are. The panel will also be making their predictions for 2020! You can register here. 

What does the ‘Council of the Future’ look like to you? Join the conversation on #CounciloftheFuture @techUK


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