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Chris Stark welcomes Government’s response to CCC’s 2018 Progress Report

The Government yesterday issued its official response to the CCC’s annual reportassessing progress in reducing the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions.

The Committee’s report, published in June, set out a range of areas requiring attention to put emissions reductions back on track. Yesterday’s response from the Government includes specific comments on each of the individual recommendations made by the Committee. In many cases, these refer to forthcoming publications that will provide more detail on developing policies.

Welcoming the Government’s response, the CCC’s Chief Executive, Chris Stark yesterday said:

“The Government has rightly celebrated the UK’s record of cutting emissions while growing the economy. However, future progress now rests on emissions reduction beyond the power and waste sectors. We are pleased that the Government has recognised that need and is focussed on implementation of policies to drive change in transport, buildings, industry and agriculture. The recent Road to Zero strategy missed opportunities for cost-effective steps to clean up transport. The coming policy announcements on carbon capture and storage (CCS), energy efficiency and low-carbon heat are an opportunity to get back on track.”


Reducing UK emissions – 2018 Progress Report to Parliament


Original article link: https://www.theccc.org.uk/2018/10/15/chris-stark-welcomes-governments-response-to-cccs-2018-progress-report/

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