NHS Health Scotland
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Comment on latest Scottish suicide statistics

The latest ScotSID Unscheduled Care report (February 2020) is drawn from the Scottish Suicide Information Database. The data highlights the contact individuals have had with NHS24, Ambulance Service and out of hours GP services in the 12 months prior to them completing suicide. 

Shirley Windsor, Organisational Lead for Public Mental Health said:

“We want Scotland to be a place where anyone who is in such distress that they are contemplating suicide can access the best possible care and support when and where they need it.  The highest number of contacts across all the unscheduled care services were from the poorest areas so we need to continue our efforts to improve service interventions.  Everyone has a part to play in preventing suicide.”

For more information on suicide prevention, visit our suicide prevention web page.


Channel website: http://www.healthscotland.scot

Original article link: http://www.healthscotland.scot/news/2020/february/comment-on-latest-scottish-suicide-statistics

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