NHS Health Scotland
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Consultation on Diet and Obesity Strategy

NHS Health Scotland yesterday welcomed the Scottish Government’s A healthier future - Consultation on diet and obesity strategy. 

The Scottish Government is consulting on a range of actions to deliver a new approach to diet and health - including weight management programmes for people with type-2 diabetes and measures to limit the marketing of products high in fat, sugar and salt. 

Claire Hislop, Organisational Lead – Diet and Obesity Prevention, NHS Health Scotland yesterday said: 

“Obesity has a huge impact on people’s lives.  Health inequalities contribute to how people are affected by obesity and the food and drink that people in Scotland consume. We look forward to contributing to the discussion on this and are about to publish two reports which we hope will add to the conversation. 

“On Monday, we will publish a review of evidence on the impact of promotions on high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) food and drink on consumer purchasing and consumption behaviour.  The review addresses the influence of promotions on driving unhealthy dietary choices, in particular the influence of HFSS food promotion on consumer purchase behaviour and specifically focuses on promotions delivered in the retail setting. 

“The Scottish Social Attitudes Survey - Public Attitudes to how to Reduce Levels of Overweight and Obesity in Scotland will also be published next week.  It reports on awareness of obesity and its causes.” 

Both reports will be available on our website.

Read more on the Scottish Government's website


Channel website: http://www.healthscotland.scot

Original article link: http://www.healthscotland.scot/news/2017/october/consultation-on-diet-and-obesity-strategy

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