Homeless Link
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Councils receive £112 million from Rough Sleeping Initiative
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government yesterday announced successful bids from Local Authorities who will share £112m of funding to support people off the streets as part of the Rough Sleeping Initiative.
This funding is part of £422m to help reduce homelessness and rough sleeping announced at the Spending Round in November 2019.
Responding to the announcement, Rick Henderson, Chief Executive of Homeless Link, yesterday said:
"Of course this is welcome news. We know just how hard our members and their partners are working to support people off the streets, and ensure they get access to the services which can help them. Further investment to enable this work to continue is desperately needed.
"Last year the annual rough sleeping figures showed a small reduction in the number of people sleeping rough for the first time in years. We hope the funding announced today will build on the progress which is being made and prioritise action in parts of the country which are still experiencing high levels of rough sleeping.
"But let’s not get complacent. People are still living and dying on our streets, and one year’s extra funding can’t on its own solve this, particularly when we consider the immense pressure local services are already under. So while we are heartened that 6,000 more beds are promised this year, it’s vital that government commits to longer term revenue and a sustainable plan to continue and integrate this work with other action to end homelessness."
Original article link: https://www.homeless.org.uk/connect/news/2020/jan/28/councils-receive-%C2%A3112-million-from-rough-sleeping-initiative