Foreign and Commonwealth Office
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Foreign Secretary statement on Yemen Peace Talks

On 13th December the Foreign Secretary travelled to Sweden for the final day of UN Yemen peace talks.

Yesterday Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt was in Stockholm to attend the UN-led peace talks on Yemen. Mr Hunt met the UN Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths, and the delegations of both the Government of Yemen and the Houthis. This included Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid Al Yemeni and Houthi Spokesperson Mohammed Abdulsalam.

Following his visit to Stockholm, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt yesterday said:

Today’s agreement in Stockholm between the Yemeni Government and the Houthis is an important step towards ending the conflict in Yemen - the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today.

We have been working with the United Nations to bring the two sides in this terrible conflict together for the first time in years, including through constructive talks with key Saudis and Emiratis during my recent visits, and regular discussions with Oman.

Today in Stockholm, I urged both sides to seize this opportunity and reach agreements which can alleviate the dreadful suffering of the Yemeni people and bring us closer to ending this horrific war.

It is now vital that the parties act in good faith and take urgent steps to implement these agreements. We will also discuss with our partners in New York the actions the Security Council needs to take to build on the progress achieved in Stockholm.

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