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Joint press conference with Boris Johnson, PM of the UK

Remarks by President Juncker.

Good to see you and good to see the Prime Minister, my friend Boris Johnson.

We have a deal. And this deal means that there is no need for any kind of prolongation.

This is a fair and balanced agreement. It is testament to our commitment to finding solutions.

It provides certainty where Brexit creates uncertainty. It protects the rights of our citizens and it protects peace and stability on the island of Ireland. There will be no border on the island of Ireland. And the Single Market will be protected.

This deal is not about us, the deal is about people and peace.

And I look forward to continue my conversations with Boris, because we will start the negotiations on the future relations immediately after the deal will have been approved.

We will start our debates on 1 November, without delay.

Tonight, together with Michel Barnier, I will explain the deal to the 27 Heads of State or Government.

And of course, it is for both our Parliaments to have the final say. It is not only Westminster having to approve the deal – the deal being in fact a Treaty – it is also up to the European Parliament to do the same.

So thank you, Boris for – I have to say – the excellent relations we had throughout the last weeks.

I have to say: I am happy about the deal, but I am sad about Brexit.

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