HM Land Registry
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June 2024 Transaction Data

This data provides information about the number and types of applications that HM Land Registry completed in June 2024.

Please note this data shows what HM Land Registry has been able to process during the time period covered and is not necessarily a reflection of market activity.

In June:

  • HM Land Registry completed more than 1,842,890 applications to change or query the Land Register 
  • the South East topped the table of regional applications with 412,195

HM Land Registry completed 1,842,891 applications in June compared with 1,948,692  in May and 1,912,634 last June 2023, of which: 

  • 284,447 were applications for register updates compared with 309,498 in May
  • 1,045,163 were applications for an official copy of a register compared with 1,125,121 in May
  • 194,273 were search and hold queries (official searches) compared with 190,360 in May
  • 89,370 were transactions for value compared with 82,109 in May
  • 16,925 were postal applications from non-account holders compared with 17,795 in May

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