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LGA responds to Children's Society's Good Childhood Report

Cllr Richard Watts, Chair of the LGA's Children and Young People Board, responded to the Children’s Society 2017 Good Childhood report

“This report highlights the multiple factors that impact on children’s health and wellbeing, and demonstrates the importance of all agencies at local and national level considering how their policies and practice will impact on young people.

“Councils cannot improve outcomes for children and young people on their own, but they do have a crucial role to play in providing help and support when it is needed, ideally at an early point before issues become serious.

“The growing funding gap for children’s services, which LGA analysis reveals is expected to reach £2 billion by 2020, is putting this vital work at risk however, and we urgently need government to provide the resources that councils need to keep children safe and well.”

The Good Childhood Report 2017 | The Children's Society

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