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LGA responds to Localis report on children’s mental health

Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, responded to a report by Localis on mental health services for children and teenagers

"Councils have been clear that we need a root and branch overhaul of children’s mental health services that ensures children get access to the right treatment at an early stage.

“We back the report’s call for mental health to be included in initial teacher training. Teachers know their children best and are ideally placed to talk about the importance of mental wellbeing in schools and spot changes in behaviour if a child is becoming unwell.

“Community based services can help keep children out of hospital and it is vital that specialist referral systems are also adequately funded to allow intensive counselling to children who need it.

“Unless we all raise awareness around the need to overcome the stigma associated with mental health issues and provide parents with information on how to discuss mental health with their children, then vulnerable youngsters may remain under the radar, causing lifelong damage and preventing them reaching their true potential.”

View report and related information here

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