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LGA responds to Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

Vice Chair of the Local Government Association’s Safer Stronger Communities Board, Cllr Mohan Iyengar responded to the publication of the Government’s Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan 

“We are pleased that this Plan recognises the need for an equal focus on prevention and early intervention measures through perpetrator programmes alongside continued funding commitments for victim support services, including dedicated provisions for children experiencing domestic abuse, something which the LGA has previously called for.

“Councils play an integral role in tackling domestic abuse and supporting the provision of services for victims, and the commitment to multi-year funding will help ensure these services are fully embedded within communities. Clarity on when and who the funding will be available to will enable it to be distributed quickly.

“The LGA also supports the alignment of this plan with the Government’s Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy alongside the inclusion and emphasis on support for male victims of crime. This work will also need to align with the forthcoming Victims Bill and the forthcoming serious violence duty proposed in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.”

Home Secretary launches new Tackling Domestic Abuse Plan

Original article link: http://www.local.gov.uk/about/news/lga-responds-tackling-domestic-abuse-plan

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