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MEPs to discuss how to better protect consumers in times of COVID-19

The Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee will discuss EU measures to protect consumers and safeguard their rights today at 17.05 with Commissioner Didier Reynders.

MEPs will assess how EU and member states’ authorities are tackling coronavirus-related scams on consumers, for instance when misleading claims are made about products in high demand or products are sold at unreasonably high prices. Members have called on the Commission and national authorities to proactively monitor the market to prevent consumers from being harmed and to stop rogue traders’ practices, in particular of those selling false medical equipment online.

The problems faced by travellers who have bought tickets or made bookings, or other relevant purchases concerning future events, as well as the use of telecom data in the fight against the pandemic, are also likely to be addressed in the meeting.

Debate: EU response to the COVID-19 outbreak

When: Tuesday, 14 April 2020, 17.05 – 18.30

Where: European Parliament, Spinelli building, room 5G-3, Brussels

Members of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee will be able to participate remotely and can ask for the floor and intervene. Committee Chair Petra De Sutter (Greens/EFA, BE), as well as a few other MEPs, will be present in the meeting room. Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders will participate remotely.

The meeting will be web-streamed here (Parliament’s Multimedia Centre).

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