Homeless Link
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New member: Impact Initiatives

We're delighted to welcome Impact Initiatives as a new member of Homeless Link!

Impact Initiatives is a long established Brighton based charity working across Sussex providing a number of services to all ages including nine young people’s housing projects within Brighton and Hove and one imminently in Worthing, West Sussex.

Through its supported accommodation provision Stopover, Impact Initiatives provides the only gender specific accommodation for sixteen to twenty-five year olds in Brighton and Hove and currently holds the contract in the city to provide both an intensive support project and a medium/low support project. Working with young people with a range of issues the Stopover projects aim to empower them to address past trauma while equipping them with the skills that they need to be fully independent, contributing members of society. The project works with external organisations to provide a bespoke care and wellbeing plan for each resident as well as with youth homelessness charity Centrepoint to provide a life skills course enabling residents to see tangible evidence of their journey towards independence. The project has an established pathway ranging from intensive support, through medium support to low level floating support.

To find out more about their work visit their website or contact

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