Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)
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Ofsted seeks views on proposals to revise post-inspection arrangements
Ofsted seeks your views on proposals to revise post-inspection arrangements across all of our work.
About this consultation
This is a consultation on our proposals for revisions to our post-inspection arrangements, including how we handle complaints about our work. These proposals, if agreed, will enhance our current arrangements to deal with any queries or concerns about an inspection quickly and before an inspection report is finalised.
We are seeking the widest possible range of views to ensure that our revised procedures are closely matched to the needs of inspected providers and those making complaints. The consultation will be open from 3 March at 9:30am to 31 March at 11:45pm.
We will use the responses to inform our new arrangements that we aim to introduce from September 2020. The consultation runs from 3 March 2020 to 31 March 2020.
A report on the outcome of the consultation will be published on our website before 8 May 2020.
Building on the strength of our existing post-inspection and complaints-handling arrangements, we propose to:
- implementing new and consistent post-inspection timelines that will apply across all inspection remits
- allow all inspected providers 5 working days to review their draft report and submit any comments about issues of factual accuracy and the inspection process for us to consider before we finalise the report
- consider and respond to formal complaints from inspected providers before we publish their inspection report, if these complaints are submitted promptly
- retain current arrangements for internal reviews into complaints handling, including the scrutiny panel
Respond to the consultation
You can read the consultation proposals in full and respond online.
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