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Over 35,000 EU asylum officials trained by EASO

Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, EASO continues training Member States’ asylum and reception officials through e-learning and virtual sessions.

Over the past seven years, 35 575 participants1 from asylum and reception authorities of EU Member States and key external partners have taken part in training provided by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). From 1 235 participants in 2012, last year the training curriculum included 24 modules, with 6 622 participants.

The training modules increasingly focus not only on training newly recruited asylum case workers in core skills such as interviewing techniques, but also on more specialised training aimed at capacity building through the EASO train-the-trainer system, as well as extensive training programmes tailor-made for the context of EASO’s operations. The latter includes training of EASO personnel deployed in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta.

EASO has developed a blended learning approach, which combines theoretical knowledge gained during online studies with the opportunity to apply the knowledge during face-to-face sessions. Specialised training includes preparing case workers dealing with vulnerable persons and raising awareness on human trafficking. The scope of training has also broadened to include a variety of modules relevant to asylum caseworkers, but also managers of asylum units, policy officers, Country of Origin Information (COI) researchers, registration officers, interpreters and reception officers.

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