Big Lottery Fund
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Over £7 million of National Lottery cash for Welsh communities

The Big Lottery Fund recently announced that it’s awarding over £7.1 million of National Lottery Good Causes money to projects in Wales.

19 projects across Wales are sharing in £7,194,250 as part of the latest round of People and Places funding. (For a full list of awards, click here).

The awards are made possible thanks to money being set aside for good causes from National Lottery ticket sales.

This month’s announcements mark a milestone of £200 million having been awarded to projects supporting people and communities most in need through the People and Places programme since its launch in 2005.

This month’s announcements include an award to Swansea University who receive £246,654 to promote co-production and provide children and adults in Wales with the skills, knowledge and experience to be able work together to make positive changes to their community.

Welcoming the grant, Professor Jane Williams, Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Wales Observatory on Human Rights of Children and Young People said; “We are enormously grateful for the support of the Big Lottery People and Places fund in this next phase of our work in which we are moving from ‘children as researchers’ to age-inclusive, co-productive methods of community action and development. I believe the award reflects the trustee’s recognition of the value of children’s rights in communities as well as the human rights values which crucially underpin everything we do.”

Afan Valley Community Leisure Ltd in Neath Port Talbot receive £344,761 to provide a swimming pool, working alongside their communities, at Cymmer in the Upper Afan Valley for 5,000 people from Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend.

Watch the Big Lottery Fund Director, John Rose, surprise the project with the news of their grant.Goes to different website

Hayley Phillips of the project said: "Finding out that Afan Valley Community Leisure were the recipients of National Lottery funding was amazing. To receive this really highlighted that the hard work and fight to keep the pool open was worth it. The direct benefits to the community are far reaching and a huge boost to the area."

Elsewhere, in Mid-Wales, JigSo Children’s Centre in Ceredigion receive £462,318 to expand activities at their centre in Cardigan and provide outreach services to a number of new communities in South Ceredigion, North Pembrokeshire and West Carmarthenshire. Activities will aim to improve skills and confidence of parents, carers and children and encourage healthier lifestyle choices.

In North Wales, Tre Cwm Community Association Limited receive £199,024 to improve the facilities on offer at the community centre, enabling the organisation to provide a range of new and increased activities including training opportunities in a commercial kitchen.

Highlighting the importance of the People and Places programme, Rona Aldrich, Wales Committee Member for the Big Lottery Fund, said: “Programmes like People and Places are making a difference to the lives of so many people in communities across Wales.

“It delivers on our promise to use National Lottery funding to regenerate and revitalise communities, tackle disadvantage head on and leave a lasting legacy.”

The People and Places programme awards grants of between £5,001 and £1 million for a broad range of community projects. For further information about the programme and how you can apply for funding, please visit

Further Information:

Alexander Davies - Big Lottery Fund Press Office: 029 2067 8236
Public Enquiries Line: 0845 4 10 20 30                          
Textphone:  0845 6021 659
Full details of the Big Lottery Fund programmes and grant awards are available at:
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  • The Big Lottery Fund supports the aspirations of people who want to make life better for their communities across the UK. We are responsible for giving out 40% of the money raised by the National Lottery and invest over £650 million a year in projects big and small in health, education, environment and charitable purposes. 
  • Since June 2004 we have awarded over £6.5 billion to projects that make a difference to people and communities in need, from early years intervention to commemorative travel funding for World War Two veterans.
  • Since the National Lottery began in 1994, £34 billion has been raised and more than 500,000 grants awarded.


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