Parliamentary Committees and Public Enquiries
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Promoting Britain Abroad inquiry launched

The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s inquiry examines how Britain’s cultural heritage can be used to promote the country as an international holiday destination and boost a damaged tourist industry.

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The Promoting Britain abroad inquiry will consider how the offer of a rich contemporary culture and historical legacy can be harnessed to help re-establish the UK on the global stage as a destination of choice.

Spending by tourists visiting the UK dropped by nearly 80% in 2020 compared to the previous year, with projections for visitors in the current year remaining low.

The Government hopes a recovery strategy will result in a resurgence of the international tourist market by the end of 2023 and restore the domestic market by the end of 2022.

MPs are seeking written evidence to support their inquiry.

Chair's comment

DCMS Committee Chair Julian Knight MP said:

“We know that tourism has taken a major hit as a result of the pandemic with the number of people visiting the UK down dramatically and their spending this year expected to be a fraction of what it was.

“With our rich cultural history and heritage, we have a unique appeal to international tourists. We’ll be looking at how we promote Britain abroad to re-establish our position as a prime holiday destination and help repair the damage done to the tourist industry.

“We’ll also be considering the challenges ahead and whether enough is being done by Government to support this sector’s vital recovery.”

Terms of Reference:

The DCMS Committee is inviting written submissions by Thursday 6 January 2022 (ADD PORTAL) addressing the following areas:

  • What needs to be done to re-establish the UK as a holiday destination for international travellers?
    • What should Government and the tourism boards be doing to support the inbound tourism industry in its recovery?
    • What will the impact on the UK’s hospitality, cultural and heritage sectors be if inbound tourism is slow to recover to pre-pandemic levels?
  • Does the Tourism Recovery Plan go far enough to support the industry’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic?
    • What are the biggest challenges to delivering the plan?
  • What should the UK be doing to maintain its status as a ‘soft power superpower’ and further promote its culture and heritage on the global stage?
    • How can the UK capitalise on its exit from the European Union?
    • What are the biggest threats to the status of ‘soft power superpower’?

Further information


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