Department of Health and Social Care
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Public Health Outcomes Framework: proposed changes 2019 to 2020


We are seeking views on changes to the Public Health Outcomes Framework which is due to be updated in summer 2019.

This consultation closes at: 11:45pm on 17 February 2019

Consultation description

The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) was established in 2012 and its indicators are reviewed every 3 years. Public Health England (PHE) is planning to update the PHOF in the summer 2019, to ensure that it continues to be relevant and meets the needs of users.

This proposal document is divided into 6 themes with indicators that will:

  • remain the same
  • remain but will have a change to either the method or data source
  • be replaced with an alternative indicator(s) on the same topic
  • be removed from 2019
  • be included from 2019
  • be added, replaced or removed to reflect the changes in the immunisation/vaccination schedule

PHE would like feedback from users on this proposal to ensure the changes are helpful and appropriate. You can have your say by completing our online survey

Details on historic PHOF consultations and outcomes are also available for information.



Proposed changes to the Public Health Outcomes Framework from 2019 to 2020: a consultation Ref: PHE publications gateway number GW-71PDF, 502KB, 25 pages

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