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Public access to Council documents: 2017 report

The Council recently approved its annual report on the implementation of Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents.

The report shows that nearly 380 000 documents were listed in the public register on 31 December 2017. Of these documents, 70% are public and available for download.

Last year, 25 514 original-language documents were added to the register, of which 70% – or 17 923 documents – are now public. The Council's public register was consulted approximately 400 000 times. 

Anyone can request access to documents listed in the public register which are not yet public. Access can only be refused on the basis of one of the exceptions provided for in Regulation 1049/2001. These include the need to protect the institution's decision-making process and the public interest as regards international relations, public security and military matters. If access is refused at the initial stage, a confirmatory application may be submitted.

In 2017, the Council received 2 597 initial requests for access to documents and 31 confirmatory applications, requiring the analysis of 8 000 documents. At the initial stage, full access was granted to 5 466 documents (68.3%) and partial access to 678 documents (8.5%). Regarding confirmatory applications, full access was granted to 25 documents (18.5%) and partial access to 26 documents (19.3%).

In terms of policy areas, nearly half of the requested documents were related to justice and home affairs, environment, external relations and economic and monetary policy.

A third of the requests came from the academic world and another quarter from representatives of various civil society and private sector organisations.

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