Food Standards Agency
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Report into international meat production processes published

The Food Standards Agency has published a scientific report, which assesses international meat production processes.

This study looked at information and data from various countries around the world on the production processes for meat and poultry, and prevalence of several microorganisms.

It was carried out to help us better understand the international context of imports and the associated food safety control processes in place for products coming into the UK.

Researchers created profiles of sixteen countries, including the UK, featuring prevalence data for Salmonella, Campylobacter, E-coli, Trichinella and AMR, alongside descriptions of processes.

However, the report noted difficulties in attempting direct comparisons between countries, due to significant variance in data collection techniques like sampling and testing, language related issues in non-English speaking areas, and differing applications of control plans throughout the world.

FSA Head of science, evidence and research, Rick Mumford, said:

“A strong, scientific, evidence-based approach has always been central to our mission to ensure food is safe and is what it says it is. Every decision we make is grounded in facts and scientific evidence, and this applies to imported products.

“Although direct global comparisons are very difficult to achieve, it is vitally important that the FSA continues to examine different processes and sources of information so we can improve our own data – helping to provide the very best scientific basis for our independent advice to Government and other partners.

“It is important to state that if meat is intended for export to the UK it must meet the UK’s import requirements, and this is not about to change.”

The full report can be found on our research pages.

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