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Socitm launches Covid-19 report

Socitm launches its detailed report into local government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The report presents findings from more than 2,500 questionnaires that were filled in worldwide as part of the organisation’s research into how local authorities responded during lockdown and the opportunities arising as we emerge from the pandemic.

Jointly produced by Socitm and Socitm Advisory, the report reveals the swift and decisive action taken by councils throughout the pandemic, adapting ways of working to maintain delivery of vital services and protecting the vulnerable.

Key partners in undertaking the survey were international organisations LOLAMCE and the Republic of Ireland’s IS Managers’ Group. By attracting responses from around the world, the survey uncovers common and disparate themes in how local governments are supporting their organisations and communities.

The survey also reveals opportunities presented by new ways of working and improvements to the efficiency of services that need to be secured to avoid falling back to old ways.

Socitm regional director Dave Sanderson said:

“Councils around the world have acted quickly in the most challenging of circumstances. In doing so, they have protected the vulnerable, continued to support communities and paved the way for new ways of working that benefit both citizens and council staff”.

Headlines from the report include:

  1. Prior to lockdown only 5% of staff worked from home. That figure is now more than 80%.
  2. More than 40% of staff felt they were more efficient and productive because of flexible working.
  3. There is significant work for local authorities to do to train staff on the ICT tools they need for remote working.
  4. Around the world, improvement in work-life balance was reported by up to 58% of respondents and up to 57% have adopted new ways of working that benefit citizens.

Socitm Advisory Innovation and Insights director Andrew Rogers added:

“This is a ground-breaking joint report between Socitm and Socitm Advisory. It captures the extraordinary work that has, and continues to happen, as local governments rise to the challenges that Covid-19 presents”.

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