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TUC – we need an ambitious plan for growth

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak commented on today’s (Thursday) GDP figures, which show 0.4% growth in May

“While it’s welcome news that the economy grew in May, annual growth of 1% remains well below our country’s potential.  

“14 years of Tory stagnation has been terrible for living standards. We need an ambitious plan for growth and a laser focus on securing and creating well-paid jobs. 

“Getting our economy back in the fast lane won’t be an overnight job. But taking the right action now will make a real difference.  

“In addition to boosting green investment and getting Britain building again, we also have to invest in our crumbling public services. 

“And Labour’s commitment to higher employment standards can play a vital role in driving up productivity and making work pay.” 

Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-we-need-ambitious-plan-growth

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