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TUC: In-work poverty figures show that Britain needs a pay rise

Commenting on a Joseph Rowntree Foundation report published today (Wednesday), showing one in eight workers in the UK now live in poverty, TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said:

“A fair day’s work should mean a fair day’s pay. But wages are simply too low, and millions are struggling to afford the basics, even when they’re working hard.

“After the financial crisis, UK wages fell further than in any other developed country except Greece. It’s time for employers to give their staff fair pay and decent hours, while the government should lift the public sector pay cap and invest in our economy.

“And I’d encourage all working people to join a union. Unions can negotiate with employers to win better pay – union members in the private sector earn 8% more on average.”

Notes to Editors:

  • The figure of 8% higher pay for union members in the private sector is taken from the ONS Trade Union Statistical Bulletin 2015 (p14). Public sector union members earn 16% more.
  • The figure on UK wage falls since the financial crisis is based on TUC analysis of OECD figures. More: bit.ly/2gysVbH
  • All TUC press releases can be found at tuc.org.uk/media
  • TUC Press Office on Twitter: @tucnews


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