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TUC: “We need a plan to make work pay after 14 years of Tory failure”

Responding to today’s (Tuesday) labour market figures, which show that while real wages continue to rise, unemployment is also increasing, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said:

“Although real wages are still rising, they are still worth less than in 2008 and rates of pay growth have started to slow.  

“Rising unemployment remains a real concern – and economic inactivity remains close to record levels.  

“The country is crying out for the strong economic growth that will start to reverse the Conservatives' living standards failures. 

“Labour’s election victory is a much-needed chance to turn the page.  

“The government’s plans to grow the economy and make work pay can raise living standards for families right across the country.  

“Ministers must quickly start to deliver on their commitments to ensure that young unemployed people and those facing long-term disability and illness are not written off.  

“There is much the new government can do to improve support – particularly by bringing down NHS waiting lists and delivering a young person’s guarantee.  

“Ensuring day one access to sick pay will also help more people to stay in work. “

Editors Note’s


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-we-need-plan-make-work-pay-after-14-years-tory-failure

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