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TUC appoints Kudsia Batool Head of Equalities and Strategy

The TUC has appointed Kudsia Batool to lead its Department for Equalities and Strategy.

Kudsia Batool, 42, is a former primary school teacher from Derby. As Head of Equalities and Strategy her responsibilities will include equalities policy, the TUC’s Anti-Racism Task Force and TUC strategy.

Before joining the TUC, Kudsia had a variety of jobs as false nail packer, call centre operative, council official and headteacher.

She first became a union member when she qualified as a teacher at 21, and has been a union rep and activist in the NUT (now NEU) and the GMB.

In 2016, Kudsia was appointed as a national negotiating official at the NASUWT, where she led bargaining and negotiations on working conditions, health and safety and pay.

She introduced leadership training and development programmes for trade unionists, focussing particularly on women, black, young worker, LGBT+ and disabled members. And she lobbied government, Ofsted and national employers to improve pay and conditions for teachers and school staff.

Commenting on her new role, Kudsia Batool yesterday said:  

"In a fair society, all people should have equal life chances. But there is still more to do to achieve true equality, diversity and inclusion in Britain’s workplaces. We must make sure that everyone can achieve their full potential – no matter their gender, race, sexuality, disability, age or background.

“My work will focus on making sure workplaces draw on the talents of all, with nobody held back by prejudice or discrimination. Our economy, democracy and communities are all stronger when everyone’s talents and voices are included, shaping the decisions that affect them.”

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady yesterday said:

“I am delighted that Kudsia is joining the TUC. She adds a wealth of experience in leadership and negotiation, with a great record of winning for working people.

“She takes on leadership of our equalities and strategy team at a challenging time. The far right is on the rise, putting us all at risk from their agenda of division and hate. Kudsia will help us build the solidarity between working people of all backgrounds that has defeated the far right before, and can do so again.

“Our mission remains making sure all people can work with dignity, respect and a fair share of the wealth they create. But in today’s fast-changing digital world, our methods must keep up. Kudsia will lead the development of our strategy so that we are a modern movement, fit for the challenges and the opportunities of the 21st Century.”

Kudsia lives in the Midlands, and has a 5-year-old son. She spends her down time speaking in movie quotes, Stephen King references and song lyrics. And she can usually be found in the cinema, running, or building Lego with her son.


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/tuc-appoints-kudsia-batool-head-equalities-and-strategy

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