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The Week, 20 September 2019

Blog posted by: Luke Heselwood, 20 September 2019.

Reformer of The Week 

Sir Tom Winsor, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary, for arguing that a focus on prevention should be at the heart of the criminal justice system.

Good Week For

Tackling Knife Crime

A new technology that can detect hidden weapons in public places has been introduced in London this week in an effort to tackle knife crime.

Sugary Drinks

report showing that the sugar tax has been ten times more effective than requesting companies to take sweetener out of fizzy drinks has been stalled by No 10. Sources suggest that Downing Street is reluctant to publish the report due to the Prime Minister’s scepticism with “sin stealth taxes.” 

Bad Week For

School Attainment

According to the Children’s Commissioner for England, 18 per cent of children aged 18 left school last year without five good GCSEs. Children with special educational needs and those who receive Free School Meals are more likely to be among this cohort.

Right to Buy

Right to Buy sales from April to June 2019 show a 7 per cent decrease from the same quarter last year and the lowest in six years.

Quotes of The Week

“For those in prison – very many of whom are victims as well as offenders – the conditions must be humane, their mental ill-health must be understood and properly treated, and their rehabilitation must be properly resourced.”

Sir Tom Winsor writing in The Times on Monday.

“Our aim for the next stage of transformation should be a seamless, integrated digital experience… So that public services online are as easy to use and as intuitive as anything in the private sector.”

Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP, Paymaster General, on Thursday.

Reform’s Week

On Tuesday, Imogen Farhan, Researcher at Reform, commented on the Office for National Statistics report showing that a quarter of people at risk of homelessness are 16-24 years old. This was covered in The Independent.

On Thursday, Claudia Martinez, Research Manager at Reform, authored a blog for Bright Blue outlining the next steps the Prime Minister should take to help reform NHS services for the better.


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