Charity Commission
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Update your charity details: improved service coming soon

During the summer we will launch an improved service for you to keep your charity details up-to-date.

All charities must keep their details up-to-date by law. We will be launching an improved service so you can keep a regular check on your details, and update them when they change.

Over the next couple of months we will provide regular updates to the charity sector about this and the benefits it will bring.

You can sign up for GOV.UK email alerts to keep up-to-date with the latest information we publish on our website.

Make sure your charity details are up-to-date now

Check that your charity details are correct, including the names of your current trustees and their contact details (such as email addresses).

You can sign in to our current change charity details service to do this.

These details are used to populate the charity register, which the public use to find information about your charity. It is important that your information is correct.

We also email trustees on the register with important regulatory updates. These communications help trustees to comply with charity law and run their charity effectively.


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