National Infrastructure Commission
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Vacancies: Directors of Policy

Are you interested in leading the development of policy recommendations helping to shape the future of the UK’s economic infrastructure?

We are recruiting for two Director of Policy roles, with responsibilities for our sectors and cross-cutting themes (such as infrastructure regulation, finance and design) split between the two roles. One role will lead our work on regional growth/levelling-up, transport, cities, and digital. The second role will focus on economic recovery, water, floods, waste, and the environment.

You can find out more about the roles here.

We are looking for outstanding policy professionals who will be responsible for directing and coordinating the Commission’s policy development work, overseeing our engagement with the Government and external stakeholders, and for holding government to account for delivery against its recommendations. You will need first-rate policy skills – including the ability to scope, define and manage projects, quickly get to grips with new issues, develop creative and effective policy options, and reach clear and deliverable conclusions.

The work will be fast-paced and evidence-based, requiring the skill to prioritise and drive progress across a broad range of issues, to draw conclusions from complex evidence, and to motivate teams and manage projects to deliver high-quality outputs to ambitious timescales. The post holders will be key advisers to the Chair and Commission, and have a crucial role in establishing the Commission’s overall policy narrative and credibility. They will also be members of the Secretariat’s Senior Management Team, play a key role in managing the Commission’s relationships with government departments and external stakeholders, and lead elements of the Commission’s organisational strategy.


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