UK online centres
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Taking place 2 - 8 October, Get Online Week 2017 is fast-approaching - and your learners could be our campaign stars.

As in previous years, we’ll be promoting this year’s Get Online Week with marketing materials featuring real life Online Centres Network learners, and that’s where you come in.

We want to hear about some of your favourite learners from the last few years, those people for whom digital skills have had a real impact on their lives. We’ll then choose a selection of 6-8 people, making sure we’re representing a good cross-section of all the people the network helps - and organise professional photo shoots!

If you’d like to nominate one or more of your learners, simply email with your own centre details and the following information about your nominee(s):

  • Name
  • Age
  • A bit of personal info (eg. job, are they married and do they have children or grandchildren?)
  • Why you think they should be a Get Online Week star (What have they learned at your centre? How were they struggling before? What difference have their new skills and your help made to their life?)
  • And a photo! Don’t worry, it won’t be used anywhere and a quick snap taken with a smartphone is fine.

We can’t wait to hear about your learners and highlight their - and your - achievements.

W e’ll be announcing MUCH more information about this year’s Get Online Week in the next few weeks so keep an eye out here and over at


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