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Wales TUC: One in four Welsh workers fear losing their job within six months

More than one in four workers in Wales fear that they will lose their job in the next six months, according to new polling research.

These findings demonstrate the impact of COVID-19 on workers across the country and follow figures from the ONS showing that Wales has experienced the sharpest rise in unemployment of any region of the UK.

27% of workers surveyed said that they were worried about being made redundant in the near future – while almost one in three (32%) said that they expect their financial position to get worse between now and the summer.

The YouGov survey, which sought opinions from more than 1000 workers across Wales, also found that 43% viewed unemployment and the threat to jobs as one of the most urgent challenges facing the country.

Workers backed the extension of the furlough scheme as well as calls for greater financial support for furloughed minimum wage workers. They identified an increase in funding for public services and job creation through investment in green infrastructure as priority areas for government action.

Shav Taj, Wales TUC General Secretary yesterday said:

“Workers are understandably anxious about their future. The COVID crisis has exposed the weakness and inequalities in our economy and in a labour market that has relied too heavily on precarious and insecure work.

“We need to see an ambitious programme of investment in Wales’ infrastructure and public sector. Wales TUC research has demonstrated the opportunities to create tens of thousands of jobs by funding a just transition to a greener and fairer economy. Governments – both in Wales and Westminster – need to act decisively to protect livelihoods and offer security to Welsh workers”

Editors Note

Wales TUC commissioned YouGov to conduct polling work in late 2020. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc.  Total sample size was 1,030 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 26th November - 3rd December 2020.  The survey was carried out online.

Wales TUC is the voice of Wales at work, representing 48 affiliated trade unions with 400,000 members in workplaces across the country.


Original article link: https://www.tuc.org.uk/news/wales-tuc-one-four-welsh-workers-fear-losing-their-job-within-six-months

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