Met Office
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Wet weather on the way for some

An area of low pressure is forecast to bring heavy rain to parts of the UK on Wednesday.

There will be plenty of sunshine for many through Monday and Tuesday, though thundery showers are forecast for parts of Northern Ireland with Yellow National Severe Weather Warnings in force. Another warning covers parts of southwest England on Tuesday. 

By Wednesday, an area of low pressure will approach the UK from the east, bringing heavy and, in places, prolonged rainfall. The precise track of the low pressure will determine how much rain falls over land areas and how far west across the UK the heavy rain will reach.

Deputy Chief Meteorologist Dan Rudman said: “Low pressure is going to influence our weather from the middle of this week, bringing some heavy rain to parts of the UK. Eastern areas are most likely to see the highest rainfall accumulations, though this will depend on the precise positioning of the low pressure. It is important to keep an eye on the forecast as the detail becomes clearer, and it is possible Severe Weather Warnings will also be issued.”

Further ahead

As the area of low pressure moves north along the east coast of the UK, there will be further rain and may be some gusty north-westerly winds in parts of southern Scotland and Northern England on Thursday. 

The low pressure will slowly fill by the end of the week and allow a ridge of higher pressure by Friday afternoon, bringing a short spell of more settled weather for many. During Saturday, a front may move in from the Atlantic bringing a band of rain to Northern Ireland and western parts of Scotland. This rain is expected to become lighter as it slowly moves eastwards across the UK through the rest of the weekend. 

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