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What to expect from techUK’s Scale-Up Council in 2024

Following a competitive set of elections, I am delighted to announce that techUK’s Health & Social Care Council has now elected a new Chair and Vice-Chair. Mireille Elhajj (CEO, Astraterra) will lead the Council as Chair. The Vice-Chair position will be filled by Hollie Hodgson (Head of Account Management, Tussell).

Mireille and Hollie will spearhead the Council’s efforts, guiding techUK outputs. Have a read below to find out what your new Chair and Vice-Chair will be prioritising, as well as to hear from two Council members Casey Calista (Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Vorboss) and Mike Eisenberg (Founding Partner, Genuine Capital) on their priorities for the Council.

See the full list of Scale-Up Council members here.

Click here for the full press release


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