Welsh Government
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Your chance to shape Wales’ economic future

Would you like to help shape Wales’ economic future? The Welsh Government is now looking for a wide range people with a variety of different backgrounds and experiences to be part of a board that will advise Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething.

Wales, along with the rest of the world, has been significantly impacted by COVID-19. The pandemic has changed the way we all live and work as well as the way in which our businesses operate. Alongside this, Wales is facing new challenges and opportunities resulting from the UK leaving the EU, and the global climate emergency has reached a pivotal moment.

Wales’ Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething is committed to creating a stronger, greener and fairer economic future for Wales. He wants to pursue a progressive economic policy that focuses on better jobs, narrowing the skills divide and tackling poverty. As part of his work to move the Welsh economy forward, the Economy Minister is looking for new faces to help propose and develop fresh ideas.

To progress this the Welsh Government is looking for a wide range of people with different experiences to join its Economic Policy Ministerial Advisory Board.

Members of the board will be involved in reviewing the work that needs to be done to move Wales’ economy forward and in finding new and innovative ways to deliver for Wales.

The Welsh Government is looking for people of all ages - students and young people, those with experience of working in the third sector; those with entrepreneurial experience as well as academics. We want our wonderfully diverse Welsh society to be fully represented on the Board and we are also keen to hear from those with passion for Wales who currently live beyond its borders.

People selected to sit on the Economic Ministerial Advisory Board will be asked to provide regular, creative and high-quality advice to the Economy Minister to help improve economic well-being in Wales. They will need to respond to Ministerial requests and to help test proposals in the real world. They will be part of the effort to learn from other nations and regions in the UK and internationally and to help decide how this experience might inform Welsh policies.

We are looking for people who are inclusive, open to ideas and be respectful of the views of other members; can provide constructive challenge and encourage others to contribute to the discussion. We want people who will bring their own skills and experience to the table but will also consult others to inform their contributions to discussions and we need people who will  respect the sensitivity and potentially confidential nature of the matters being considered.

Board members will need to show commitment, dedication and understanding of the issues facing Wales as we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Is this you? If so please visit Appointment of a Member: Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB) (tal.net) to find out more about this exciting opportunity.


Channel website: http://gov.wales

Original article link: https://gov.wales/your-chance-shape-wales-economic-future

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