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Be part of techUK’s local government’s Innovators Network

In May 2022 in collaboration with the Local Public Services Committee, techUK published a report making the case for enhanced digital innovation adoption across the UK’s local public services to improve citizens’ lives.

To innovate we need to collaborate across both public sector and the supplier base. techUK’s Local Public Services Innovation: Creating a catalyst for change report outlines how local public services can grasp the innovation opportunity and maximise the benefits they derive from digital technologies and their suppliers. One of the outcomes of the report is the launch of techUK’s Innovators Network.

Read more here about the recommendations proposed in this report that aim to support the digital transformation of local public services.

What is the Innovators Network?

A forum for councils to enable and empower them to connect with innovators to access the latest technologies in a neutral forum to help solve some of the most pressing challenges they face. Some of the benefits of joining this network include peer support and best practice from across local government and the tech supplier base, identifying the problem to inform technology, having a safe space to test and de-risk innovation at a collective level.

The first Innovators Network will address the challenges and opportunities brought by the Care Cap measure tight implementation timeline. Local authorities and IT suppliers will need to collaborate towards a start date of October 2023 through early intervention. The Innovators Network provides the right space to look at future innovation in social care.

How does the Care Cap measure introduction affect you?

We are delighted to announced that our first Innovators Network will be held in partnership with Redbridge Council on 18 October and will focus on the Care Cap measure and the opportunity it brings to transform the way social care works. We are convening this session to equip councils and industry of the challenges but also the lever to do something different and go beyond statutory compliance.

techUK members and local authorities can join the discussion by registering to this event for free here.

The aim of this event is to explore the art of the possible and the innovations that can offer a step change in how services are delivered, especially in an ageing society. The most pressing difficulties have been identified around the implementation timescales related to building and testing the IT capabilities and managing the risk of delays from IT suppliers and local authorities testing and rolling-out the technology necessary.

Join the discussion to influence how can local government and the tech sector work together to solve these concerns and identify the next steps.


Ileana Lupsa

Programme Manager – Local Public Services and Nations & Regions, techUK

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