Crown Commercial Service
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Call for evaluators for Cloud Compute 2
Support the development of our new Cloud Compute agreement.
We are looking for a group of evaluators to support the Cloud Compute 2 (RM6292) invitation to tender (ITT) and framework development.
Cloud Compute 2 will replace Cloud Compute (RM6111) ensuring public sector organisations can fulfil their public cloud computing needs directly from cloud service providers.
Evaluators are an important part of the procurement process and, in addition to playing an important role within CCS, becoming an evaluator counts towards your corporate contribution, and is encouraged in departments across the Civil Service.
We welcome evaluators from across the whole of the public sector. If you are interested in getting involved please register your interest by emailing with FAO Jamie Horton, Category Manager, Cloud and Hosting Team: RM6111 evaluation in the subject line. Please let us know:
- your name
- telephone
- organisation
- location
- availability
The estimated timelines and requirements you need are:
- January 2023: ITT release
- no requirement
- early-mid March 2023: evaluator training provided by CCS
- This one off training will take up no more than a few hours, with the opportunity to ask questions or for support throughout the process
- w/c 6 March 2023: selection stage evaluation
- an estimated maximum of 35 hours – but likely closer to 10 hours – will be needed
- w/c 27 March 2023: selection stage consensus
- allow 1-2 days
- w/c 10 April to 2 May 2023: technical evaluation
- during this time period it is estimated you will need a maximum of 35 hours (less in some cases or if fewer bids received)
- w/c 15 May 2023: technical consensus
- an estimated 1-2 days per evaluator
Original article link: