Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
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Drugs Strategy vital in reducing crime
Joint APCC Addictions and Substance Misuse Leads say the effective implementation of the government’s Drugs Strategy is ‘critical in reducing crime and ensuring community safety’.
On Wednesday 15 June, the government announced their vision for Combating Drugs Partnerships in local communities as part of the next phase of their 10-year strategy to reduce supply and demand for illegal drugs.
The new guidance provides an important framework for how partners in each locality in England should work together to reduce drug-related harm in their area, with each Combating Drugs Partnership appointing a single Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) to act as chair and take responsibility for reporting back to central government
Joy Allen, APCC Additions and Substance Misuse portfolio Joint Lead and Durham PCC, said: “The government’s 10-year drug strategy is a once in a generation opportunity to tackle drug misuse and the huge harm it causes to individuals, families, and communities.
“With half of homicides and half of all acquisitive crimes believed to be drug-related, effective implementation of this strategy is absolutely critical for crime reduction and community safety in our communities.”
David Sidwick, Joint Lead and Dorset PCC said: “The strategy is built around the three pillars of tackling supply, evidence-based treatment and recovery services and reducing demand through a shift in attitudes to drugs – we need to bring all three together to achieve the step change we need to see.
“Police and Crime Commissioners, who have a role in all three of these pillars, and in convening local partnerships, will must have a central role in driving implementation locally and cutting crime.”
David Sidwick also appeared at the Home Affairs Select Committee on Wednesday, 15 June where he spoke positively about the strategy and the importance of local partnerships. Read more here.
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