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EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) - EUDCA Knowledge Hub

The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) introduces a reporting obligation for data centre operators in the EU. The reporting scheme may be the first step towards the introduction of further measures to improve the sustainable development of the data centre industry, such as minimum performance standards or a labelling scheme.

The reporting scheme is laid out in detail in the Delegated Act (DA) and its four annexes.

The EU reporting scheme requires data centre operators to report on an annual basis, on a series of KPIs and data points. The first two sets of data points – information on the data centre and KPIs on energy and sustainability – should not pose a problem for data centre operators, who possess all the information needed. The two other sets of data points however – KPIs on ICT equipment and KPIs on data traffic - are more problematic, as they require colocation operators to report on data which they do not have access to. This means that data centre operators will need to change their relationship with their customers to adapt to the new regulatory framework. 

For further information, the EUDCA has collated useful information in their EED Knowledge Hub. This includes an explanatory document giving an overview of the reporting requirements, and how the reporting scheme will function. This explanatory document was recently delayed due to the uncertainties about the publication of reported information.

They also uploaded an (incomplete) EED transposition table, developed in collaboration with NTAs, to keep track of the transposition processes and choices of Member States.

“The EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) illustrates the transition that the data centre industry is undergoing from a policy perspective: from an unknown sector to a regulated one. This year for the first time, data centre operators across the EU are required to report data related to their operations. This annual reporting exercise may feed into further regulatory measures, with the aim to improve the sustainability of data centres.

Although the overall framework is European, the national transpositions of the EED will vary, and may add another layer of complexity for multi-country operators.

It is to enable all industry players to understand this new regulatory environment, that the EUDCA is developing publicly accessible explanatory material.” EUDCA

For up-to-date information, visit the EUDCA Knowledge Hub, where documents will be regularly updated.

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