Scottish Government
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Island investment
Deputy First Minister welcomes completion of new £49 million Stornoway terminal.
A Scottish Government-backed deep-water terminal which will support future renewable energy developments and cruise ship opportunities on the Western Isles has been officially handed over to operators by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison.
Ms Robison toured the new Stornoway deep-water terminal to mark the end of the construction phase. It has delivered a new terminal with a cruise ship berthing facility capable of accommodating vessels more than 1,000 feet long (330 metres) and a new deep-water dock for large cargo vessels, to allow the berthing and unloading of components for renewable energy and other key industry sectors.
The project – which cost £49 million in total – is being supported with £33.7 million of Scottish Government funding to help boost the island’s economy. This initiative involved partnership working between the Scottish Government, Stornoway Port Authority, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, the local authority Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, and Visit Scotland.
Ms Robison said:
“This significant infrastructure project will help unlock Stornoway – and the wider region’s – full economic potential both as a green energy gateway and a magnet for the lucrative cruise ship market, which is expected to be worth £13 billion globally by 2031.
“The completion of construction marks the culmination of dedicated partnership working – allowing us to create a development of real value, boosting the islands’ economy as part of our efforts to deliver economic growth in every part of Scotland.
“The Scottish Government is fully committed to investing in our rural and island communities, helping them thrive – and empowering people to enjoy the unique employment opportunities and strong sense of community that life on our islands offers.”
Alex Macleod, Chief Executive of the Stornoway Port Authority, said:
“Today is the result of four years of specialist building work to create a world-leading terminal that will transform the experience of cruise passengers to the islands. It will also allow us to further develop the opportunities we have with the offshore renewables industry.
“It has been exciting to see the collaborative approach between all our local partners, which will be essential to ensure the operational success of the terminal.
“The support we have had from the community during the build has been incredible, so this is the perfect opportunity to thank them.”
Stornoway Port Authority signed the contract for construction of the deep-water terminal in March 2022. The Scottish Government is providing more than £33 million in funding with an additional £10 million from Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Since 2020, the project’s Advisory Board was chaired by former Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, and more recently by the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance Shona Robison. The Scottish Government has invested in and driven progress into Scotland’s renewables potential, with a pledge of up to £500 million to support the offshore wind industry across Scotland.
Maoineachadh do na h-eileanan
Tha an Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear a’ cur fàilte air port domhain ùr Steòrnabhaigh aig a bheil luach £49m
Gu h-oifigeil chaidh port domhain ùr a fhuair taic bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba a thoirt seachad don fheadhainn a bhios os a chionn leis an Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear Seòna Robastan. Cuiridh am port taic ri leasachaidhean a thaobh cumhachd ath-nuadhachail is cothroman do bhàtaichean turasachd mòra anns na h-Eileanan an Iar.
Fhuair a’ Bh-ch. Robastan turas mu chuairt port domhain ùr Steòrnabhaigh gus comharrachadh mar a chaidh crìoch a chur air togail a’ ghoireis. Tha seo air port ùr a thoirt don àite far an urrainn bàtaichean turasachd nas motha na 1,000 troigh (300 meatair) acarsaid fhaighinn. Na lùib cuideachd tha doca domhain ùr airson soithichean-bathair mòra gus leigeil le pàirtean airson cumhachd ath-nuadhachail is prìomh roinnean eile a bhith air an toirt gu tìr.
Tha am pròiseact – aig a bheil luach £49m uile-gu-lèir – a’ faighinn taic luach £33.7m de mhaoineachadh bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba gus eaconamaidh an eilein a thoirt air adhart. Air cùlaibh na h-iomairt bha compàirteachas eadar Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Ùghdarras Port Steòrnabhaigh, Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, agus Visit Alba.
Thuirt a’ Bh-ch. Robastan:
“Cuidichidh am pròiseact bun-structair cudromach seo ann a bhith a’ cur ri làn-chomas eaconamach Steòrnabhaigh is na sgìre air fad – gach cuid mar ghoireas do chumhachd uaine is mar rud a thàlas margaidh luachmhor nam bàtaichean turasachd, aig a bheilear an dùil a bhios luach £13 billean air feadh na cruinne ro 2031.
“Tha mar a chaidh crìoch a chur air togail a’ phuirt na chomharra air obair chom-pàirte anns an deachar an sàs gu dìcheallach – agus rinn e comasach dhuinn leasachadh fìor luachmhor a chruthachadh, a bhios a’ cur ri eaconamaidh nan eilean mar phàirt de na h-oidhirpean againn fàs eaconamach a thoirt gu buil anns a h-uile pàirt de dh’Alba.
“Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba làn-dhealasach ann a bhith a’ cur airgead an seilbh n-ar coimhearsnachdan dùthchail is eileanach, is gan cuideachadh gus soirbheachadh – is a’ cuideachadh dhaoine buannachdan fhaighinn bho na cothroman cosnaidh sònraichte is dòigh-beatha coimhearsnachd làidir a tha beatha anns na h-eileanan againn a’ tabhann.”
Thuirt Ailig MacLeòid, Àrd Oifigear Ùghdarras Port Steòrnabhaigh:
“’S e an-diugh toradh de cheithir bliadhna de dh’obair-togail shònraichte gus port a chruthachadh a tha a’ tabhann sàr eisimpleir aig ìre na cruinne is a dh’atharraicheas gu tur na cothroman a tha luchd-siubhail bhàtaichean turasachd a’ faighinn gus eòlas a chur air na h-eileanan. Leigidh e leinn cuideachd tuilleadh adhartais a dhèanamh a thaobh nan cothroman a th’ againn leis a’ ghnìomhachas ath-nuadhachaidh aig muir.
“’S e brosnachadh a th’ air a bhith ann faicinn an dòigh-obrach co-obrachail eadar ar compàirtichean ionadail uile – rud a bhios riatanach gus a bhith cinnteach gum bi ar port domhain air obrachadh gu soirbheachail.
“Tha an taic a fhuair sinn bhon choimhearsnachd againn tron togail air a bhith mìorbhaileach, is ’s e seo an sàr chothrom gus taing a thoirt dhaibh.”
Shoidhnig Ùghdarras Port Steòrnabhaigh an cùmhnant airson togail a’ phuirt dhomhainn anns a’ Mhàrt 2022. Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba air còrr air £33m a thoirt seachad ann am maoineachadh le £10m a bharrachd bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean.
Bho 2020, bha an seann Leas-Phrìomh Mhinistear Iain Swinney mar chathraiche air Bòrd Co-chomhairleachaidh a’ phròiseict is o chionn ghoirid ’s e an Leas-phrìomh Mhinistear is Rùnaire a’ Chaibineit airson Ionmhas Seòna Robastan a th’ air a bhith anns a’ chathair. Tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba air airgead a chur ri, is leasachaidhean a chur air adhart às leth, comas ath-nuadhachail na h-Alba, le suas gu £500 millean air a ghealltainn gus taic a chur ri gnìomhachas na gaoithe aig muir air feadh Alba.
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