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Ministry of Defence publishes Framework Library

The MOD's Framework Library contains information on key framework agreements to improve awareness of opportunities in Defence.

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) published Opportunity and Innovation: the Defence Small-and-Medium-Sized-Enterprise Action Plan in January 2022. The plan contains specific commitments that will help improve the way Defence works with smaller businesses, by overcoming barriers and improving access to opportunities to do business with Defence.

As part of this work, MOD has committed to publishing a library which provides information on key framework agreements, to improve awareness of opportunities.

This is the first time the MOD has published a framework library, which contains information relating to 15 frameworks initially. This is not an exhaustive list and the MOD aims to develop the library with additional frameworks, with a view to updating this document every six months.

Why is the MOD publishing a Framework Library?

The refreshed MOD SME Action Plan includes reference to the Defence Suppliers Forum SME Working Group priorities. Under the frameworks workstream, it was agreed to publish information relating to framework agreements, to improve awareness and provide a forward look that would enable suppliers, including smaller businesses, to plan ahead. The MOD also intends that sharing this information will encourage new market entrants and SME involvement.

This complements the information contained within the MOD’s Acquisition Pipeline.

In addition, a list of Crown Commercial Service frameworks can be accessed on the CCS website.

You can download a copy of the framework library below.

 MOD Framework Library


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