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Nominations are now OPEN: Scale-Up Council

Nominations are now open for 15 techUK members to join our Scale-Up Council (SUC). The SUC is a group of 15 representatives of companies in techUK's membership who work together to oversee the strategic leadership and direction of techUK's scale-up programme, including policy positioning and outputs.

There are 15 spaces on the SUC, with one Chair and one Vice-Chair position available for election by the newly formed Council.

To join the council, please complete this form.

To nominate yourself for Chair/Vice Chair position, please complete this form.

techUK is committed to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion across our leadership bodies, and encourages members to put forward diverse representatives that will bring a range of views and experiences to the Council.

Timelines for nomination and elections

Only one person per company can put themselves forward for a seat on the council.

  1. Nominations open on Tuesday 7 May.
  2. You will be given 2 weeks to complete your form (deadline: Tuesday 21 May)
  3. Should we receive more nominations than we have spaces on the council, we will have an election period (timeline TBC).
  4. All submitted forms will be sent out to the Scale-Up Council asking them to vote for who they wish to have a place on the committee. It will be only one vote per company.
  5. The new committee will be notified: Tuesday 27 May.
  6. The new committee will be publicly announced: Wednesday 28 May.
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