A wet summer comes to a close
1 Sep 2017 01:50 PM
The end of August brings a close to a wet summer and although you might not think it, it has also been warmer than average.
This summer has been most notable across the UK for being wetter than average. Each of the three months have exceeded their long-term average rainfall totals in many areas. Broadly speaking, June was wettest in the north and July was wettest in the south.
The rainfall has not been record breaking with 2007 (357.8mm) , 2009 (323.0mm) and 2012 (379.2mm) being recent years with summers where more rainfall was recorded. The UK received 320mm of rainfall over the summer (1 June – 30 August), 32.8% more than the 241mm average. This makes this summer the UK’s 11th wettest on record, with just one day of the month left to go. Western Scotland has been the wettest region of the UK with 509.6mm up to 30 August. It has been Scotland’s fifth wettest Summer on record, with data for August 31st still to be recorded.
Although it may feel like a distant memory, the fine spells of weather which included the hottest days of the year in late June and early July were enough to ensure the full summer mean temperatures will be slightly warmer than average. June was in fact the fifth warmest in records dating back to 1910.
The UK as a whole has been 0.41°C above the long-term average. East Anglia has been the warmest region compared to the long-term average, being 0.85°C warmer. Northern Scotland has been the coolest region in comparison, just 0.01°C above its average.
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