CTSI welcomes Government announcement on vaping

12 Apr 2023 10:00 AM

Earlier yesterday the Minister for Primary Care and Public Health, Neil O’Brien OBE MP, made an announcement regarding proposals to crack down on the supply and sale of vapes. The Department for Health and Social Care has pledged £3 million in funding to support Trading Standards to tackle the issues of non-compliance. CTSI and National Trading Standards are now in discussions with DHSC about developing a detailed plan about what can be delivered.
In 2022 the Khan review: making smoking obsolete set recommendations aiming to reach ‘smokefree 2030’ with a primary focus on tobacco regulation. Yesterday’s announcement very much majored on vaping issues, and this is something which CTSI welcomes, particularly given our recent campaigning and awareness raising on the issues, including the sale of illegal and non-compliant products and the issues around under age sales. We want to say a particular thank you for the support we have received from our incredible Lead Officers for Vaping; Kate Pike, David Hunt and Marsha Bell, and CTSI has made real waves in bringing well deserved attention to the Trading Standards profession and particularly shining the spotlight on vaping issues.
The DHSC’s proposals announced yesterday are to:

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